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This Is Who We Are

Here you will find our heartbeat; what we are passionate about and how we became a ministry.

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Our Story

“And, let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another –and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” ~Hebrews 10:25

It was Palm Sunday. As I closed out my devotion for the day, I did so with tears of sorrow in my eyes. But rather than the usual tears of joy that I often shed when seated before the Lord, these were tears of sorrow.

Jesus reaching out His hand

“Lord, I want to be in church so bad next Sunday,” my spirit cried out in utter anguish. Later, as I sat on my front porch and pondered the thought even more, my mind raced quickly through the past 30 years, and for the life of me, I couldn’t remember a Resurrection Sunday that I was not in service.

That’s when He spoke to me and said, “You have enough family and friends in your life to MAKE church happen next Sunday.”

I heeded His voice, and the rest is history.

With my husband, Gliston, as the senior pastor and a supporting cast too numerous to name, the ministry of Family of Believers was birthed.

Now, a body of Believers, we assemble ourselves together on a weekly basis to worship communally in a space and place without walls. Because we meet online, there is virtually no limit to our reach.

Our services are interactive, bible-based and spirit-filled. There’s something in it for everyone from the youth to the senior citizen and everyone in between. It is our goal for all who partake in this ministry to receive STRENGTH for today, HOPE for tomorrow, and LIFE for eternity.

& Mission

Reach the unreached.

Proclaim the Gospel where it is not proclaimed and share the love of Jesus in word and deed in our communities.

We believe that God is the Creator of all mankind, the heavens above, the earth in which we live and all things made visible and even invisible to the human eye (Col. 1:16). We believe God to be sovereign and in complete control of it all. He charts our course and directs our paths and all decisions belong to Him (Proverbs 16:33).

We believe that we are the feet and hands of Christ. In order for the world to know the love of Christ and experience the gift of eternal life, it is our duty as Believers to show forth that love on the face of the earth. We must bear witness of His love and sacrifice through the lives that we live and the love and service that we extend to others. 

We believe that the bible is the inspired word of God, written by the hands of godly men. We view the bible as our tangible blueprint and guide for all matters of Christian conduct, core values and guiding principles and physical deportment. As such, it is the responsibility of each associated member to read, study and internalize its content to establish and maintain spiritual growth and development.

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He was born of the virgin, Mary. As He walked the face of the earth, He was fully man and fully divine. Jesus lived a sin-free life and as a result, He was the only One who could pay the price for our sins. We believe that He hung and died on the cross, arose from the dead and is now and forevermore seated in Heaven beside God, the Father.  For this reason, we affirm that it is solely through the belief in one's heart and the confession by one's mouth that salvation occurs (Romans 10:10).

Meet the Team

God has blessed us with an incredible network of Jesus-followers who serve fiercely to keep this ministry going.

Family of Believers Ministry
P.O. Box 1324, Hampstead, North Carolina 28443Phone:  (910) 297-1478
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