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Experiencing the MORE of God

Updated: Nov 7, 2023

Ever walked along the sea shore and thought about counting the grains of sand? Not only would that be an astronomical feat, but it would literally be impossible. But what if…what if the blessings in YOUR life could be just that numerous?

Interestingly, not long after Abram and his nephew Lot parted ways, God issued Abram that very same promise. He said, “Look around to the north, south, east, and west. I will give you and your family all the land you can see. It will be theirs forever! I will give you more descendents than there are specks of dust on the earth, and someday it will be easier to count those specks of dust than to count your descendents. Now walk back and forth across the land, because I am going to give it to you (Gen. 13:14-17).”

Not only was God making a seemingly unbelievable promise, but He was making it to a man who was old in age and at that point had fathered no children! How could someone like Abram, with so many odds stacked against him, engender such manifold blessings from the Lord? The answer is simple. He walked in complete obedience and Abram believed that he, himself, would see and experience the “more of God.”

And. He. Did! From this one man alone:

A son was born

A ram appeared

Kingdoms were conquered

Nations were formed

Kings descended

Generations were blessed

And that doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface.

But wait. It gets even better! The very same blessings that were on Abram’s life are now upon every single believer that confesses the name of Christ (Gal. 3:29). Do you really know what that means? It means the difference between living ordinary and extraordinary; subpar to well above average; and victorious as opposed to defeated. As children of God, we are more than conquerors. To live as anything less is to deny the promises of God. In the end, what we really have to ask ourselves boils down to one simple question. “Do I want mediocrity…or do I want MORE?”

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